Similar words: government department, account department, department, departmental, department head, fire department, state department, department store. Meaning: n. the academic department responsible for teaching art and art appreciation.
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1, The art department and the main college are in two separate buildings.
2, The university resisted pressure to close its art department.
3, As we have seen previously, the art department at Redbrook Secondary School followed a fairly prescribed syllabus.
4, One afternoon I was sitting in the Art Department office and an extremely handsome man in his late forties walked in.
5, It is noteworthy that the teachers in the Art department acted promptly upon most of the recommendations addressed to them.
6, The Art Department leads pupils to an understanding of the language of the artist and designer through practical work.
7, The art department still had some fun,( department.html) but it no longer mattered much off campus.
8, Will you take this sketch to the art department?
9, The art department updates the food in Monica's kitchen cupboards weekly.
10, In 1990, he built Fine Art Department in Jiangsu Education Institute as Dean and professor.
11, The newly established Integrated Art Department injects fresh new blood of contemporary art into CAA.
12, The project has been set up in liaison with the art department.
13, He returned to Hopkins after Blalock offered him a post in the art department.
14, The Museum Director, Assistant Director and Education Coordinator are members of the art department faculty.
15, To provide input on the robot faces and heads that would portray the bulk of emotion, Director Michael Bay sent Jaeger to the Los Angeles ART department where the robot bodies were created.
16, The oil painter Zhang Wanling was born in 1954. He graduated at Oil Painting Section, the Art Department of the Northwest Institute of Minor Nationalities .
17, He is the Master of Aesthetics painting, Doctor, Associate Professor of Art Department of Xiamen University.
18, And I want you to meet the people in the art department.
More similar words: government department, account department, department, departmental, department head, fire department, state department, department store, sales department, music department, police department, history department, justice department, interdepartmental, department of state, service department, purchase department, department manager, research department, education department, treasury department, personnel department, department of defense, department of justice, marketing department, departmentalization, purchasing department, executive department, accounting department, sanitation department.